The origin of the Hidden Ones and the story of Bayek of Siwa.

If you are a girl or guy who is interested in the games then probably you have heard about the game which is called the Assassin's Creed Series.
This is one of my favorite games series and there are many reasons for it: excellent visuals, inspirational storylines, learning from ancient culture (in this instance from Egypt, Rome, and the Red Sea), thrilling action and excitement.
Sometimes it is preferable to return to your roots when you need to see the larger picture. The Origins of Assassin’s Creed bring such thought into the smooth and lively, open environment in the ancient Egyptian way.
As Bayek of Siwa, who is simultaneously compassionate, bold, and driven by revenge, you’re strung through a twisted story of pharaohs and corrupt leaders, of love gained and lost.
The plights of the lower class in a time when they were routinely worked to death and nobody batted an eye. It’s a tense journey that challenges your concepts of right and wrong, making you consider the morality of those you kill in the process — and, in a dramatic shift for the series, it’s all part of a full-on role-playing game.
There is a tremendous amount of Action, especially when you were in After-Life world, I’m not going to tell you everything because it’s not a spoiler story here.
There are lots of different types of Swords, Knifes, Bows, Shields and other equipments.
Love Story
There is a story of Bayek of Siwa and his wife and Aya, who later became Amunet, when they founded Hidden Ones.
Very Charming love story, I can say, though end was kind of Complicated (Don’t want to give spoiler, that’s why complicated).
You never know who becomes your enemy and who becomes your friends, and sometimes your friend was your enemy.
It consists of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and many Pharaohs, but you never know who is friend or who is enemy, for that you've to play this fantastic game.
Lastly, Adventure

I’ve played the normal difficulty for quite a while, however at last I became very sick of playing a single game last month. I don’t know, maybe it takes 30 hours (including villains that generally take a very long time).
Furthermore, I really enjoyed being sick of this game, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a deep-dive into a truly stunning realization of Ancient Egypt, with a rich series of cultures, genuine characters, and more mission variety than any other game.