Stop! You must be focusing too much on your studies or your job or even taking care of your family. I know everything is so important, you have to prove yourself, you have got to make your parents proud or make your crush love you or become a superhero in front of your child.
While working too hard in your job or startup or company seems cool and healthy, but it isn’t, even if we are giving our best, we have many things which we left out.
So today, I’m going to tell you why you should take some break in your life and how fruitful it would be.
- Recreate your creativity : Human species should not be doing same work for their whole life, that’s what animals do. God has provided us intelligence through which we can do more things, and we are meant to do multiple jobs because that’s what make us creative.
2. Hangout with your closed ones : Go talk to those who care for you, go talk to those friends whom you haven’t contacted in a while. Most importantly, give your parents your precious time because they deserve it, so many years of care that they gave it to you.
3. Take that haircut and go to Salon : We all may say that “Looks doesn’t matter” and I agree with it, but you have to accept it. When going to meet your client, you may don’t want to meet him with a face full of pimples, dry hair and old clothes with stitches.
It’s okay to took care of your looks, if not for you then you must do it for your work and your family because they always want you to look like a shining red apple in Public.
4. Your happiness matters : I know some of you are workaholic and believe me that's the best thing you have, not every person has this much passion. But sometimes, you have got to take little breaks in your life. Go read that novel which you’re waiting to read for past couple of months. Go watch that series on Netflix and put status on your snap “Netflix and Chill”.
5. Travel : Okay, this not for those people who do their by travelling, they should give their time in home. This is for those people who have only one routine, that is 9–5. To all 9–5, you really deserve this holiday, so go ask your boss and go travel and if he doesn’t give you leave then show him this article, then maybe he’ll change his mind, if he cares for his employees.
Lastly, I just want to say don’t leave your work, go achieve everything which you’ve dreamed for but remember to take short breaks, because that will relieve you and make you more productive in your work.
Thanks for reading.